Monday 12 September 2011


The poet asks rhetorical questions.
Than he slips away.


The search should start, where there is light. It is a banal, but important rule.

A friend's dream

Egy barát álma


Tuesday 12 April 2011


I racked up a mathematical codes. The codes between humans have completely different semantics. For example, many times I am still unable to decode what women
are actually talking about.


lehetőségek világa élvezni

If we even loose our borders, the shame becomes toxic.

A szemhéj bőre olyan,

mint a péniszé

Valaki máskor

A test jelenléte.

The weathercock received a kiss.

Nem szándékom bonyolultnak lenni.

The silence is a grin.

The silence seals something.

After melting starts the wedding of the skunks.

A kezdetben nem volt semmi.

Isten így szólt "Legyen világosság!" és lőn világosság.
Még mindig nem volt semmi, de már sokkal jobban láthatta.

For a good while I was a beginner on the field of existence

A matematika nyelve a számok.

A test, az emberek nyelve.

In love I am a featherweight racer

The maze shared by the two of us

Certain things can be remembered only by him and me.

az érintés hiánya

the lack of touch

Family portraits

Monday 24 January 2011

Nobody is that blind, than the one who does not want to see.

Dressage of thoughts

The people rarely

It rarely occurs to people that they fail in love because what they consider to be love is absolutely not it.

Please, turn over!



The first English expression I knew was iloveyou, on the trolley-bus next to Keleti, it was leaving, there it moved into me that summer afternoon, when, maybe, I got my first tape too, oh my god, yes, Jackson was sold so my first original tape was, look now I cant remember, Zsánmiselzsár? or something else was it, anyway that day was that I learned ilovejú.

I wonder what do you hide so much from me?

Nem könnyű. De egyszerű.

Monday 26 July 2010


If we don't know which port we are heading to, there is no fair wind.

Cultivate empathy - Beware of sympathy

Hogy vagy?

Our lives are ruled by those things which we can not express.

A kérdőjel

My heart valves got loose a bit*

Oh, heart, you the hose of pain

Hormons are baying


...és akkor...

Growing up

At the age of 34 I became grown up.
Simple formula:
(18-2) 16+18=34
(*right away I started to grow old too)

One day maybe.

Today all day long I was in water

Than I walked. Later I went into the cinema.

Cloudless core of heaven

Monday 31 May 2010

From the magnificent flying carpet

Gondolat kísértet


Életet hívott a testembe - Elutasította az életet a testemben

Tuesday 5 January 2010


I was three of them against me


How to fold aside only a little soil at the time to leave space for caressing.

When the soul

Amikor a lélek fuldoklik és csak az utolsó lélegzetvételre tér magához, többé már nem ugyanaz a lélek.

When the soul is choking until the last breath to come back to the senses, than its no longer the same spirit.


If I am afraid to draw a line than it will drag me.